Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday Blues

Just another Monday over here ... and me and the two littles are sick.

So instead of getting this accomplished and being productive. We are just going to lay around and try to get better.

Oh and probably snack a lot. Maysie has already had a peach and grapes.

Hello essential oils! Hello Melaleuca (tea tree) oil. Thank you for making our throats feel better. Hello Thieves for making us feel better. 

Hello honey and lemons. I will be drinking you all day today with hot water.

Hello my sleepy littles. I will enjoy all the extra snuggles and cuddles today.

*** I am a Young Living Essential Oils representative. If anyone is interested in essential oils please contact me at thelittlesandthebigsblog {at} gmail {dot} com.  I would love to chat with you about it.